Familie am Meer Garten Annik am Meer Gartenkobold Kater Noori

Welcome to my homepage.

Thanks for making it all the way to this page and for taking the time to look at this small but representative selection of my work.

I did most of my paintings in a studio in Munich where I work three days a week. Now I also work at home on our dining room table or on site as you can see on the photo.

I live with my very special husband Uwe my wonderful 20 year old son David and a black tomcat named Noori. We have a tiny beautiful house - our flea villa - in Markt Schwaben near Munich.

The tiny garden in front of our house keeps enthralling me. Especially in spring when the tulips are blossoming or as in the photo blossoms falling from the flowering cherry cover the ground completely.

Although I mainly paint I also sometimes work with clay. This is how the small terra cotta garden gnome came about.